I have been to your web site and I think it is very nice! I agree with many things you are teaching on your web site. I went through it until I got to the following information:

>"Confess (admit) that you are a sinner and ask God for forgiveness. Repent (Determine >in your heart to change) and to live the way God wants you to. Believe Jesus died for >your sins, and that God has forgiven you. Commit (Give) your life to God, and live to >glorify Him. Ask for and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Exercise your spiritual gifts >through service to God. Spend time with God in prayer and study of the Bible. >Experience the fruits of the Spirit."

I would like to discuss these 'steps to peace with God' in the light of the Scriptures with you if possible. I believe you deeply believe in the inspiration of God's Word, and hopefully we both love God enough that if we find ourselves to be teaching something different than what the inspired apostles taught, we will turn loose of those teachings, and cleave only to the Bible teachings. We both well know, I believe, that there are those who twist and wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction (II Peter 3:16) Unfortunately, we could be doing this, while not even realizing it! The only guide we can turn to for complete guidance and direction is the Holy Bible (II Tim. 3:16,17).

What I would ask you to examine is what the inspired apostles taught man to do in order to receive remission of sins. I would encourage you to start with the first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Notice what the inspired apostle Peter tells these people to do after they showed him they believed his sermon that Jesus Christ is the Messiah (v.37). He tells them what to do in v. 38, and they did that as is recorded in v. 41. Now notice in the 2nd., recorded sermon in Ch. 3, verse 19, you see the same commandments given in different terms: for 'baptism' we find 'turn again', or 'be converted'. Now, if you haven't already stopped studying with me, please go to my web site, click on index, and go to TSBS8 where I have all of the accounts of conversion in the book of Acts. After studying all of those accounts, continue on to TSBS9 wherein I deal with what I believe to
be the plan of the Creator for our salvation.

As I have said many times, I am NOT inspired in any supernatural sense, as the apostles and prophets were in the first century, so I could be wrong in my positions, and I'm sure you will agree with me that we must let 'God be true, and all men liars', In other words, I can't disagree with God and be right at the same time! I trust and pray that you are continually seeking to be a 'true worshipper' (John 4:23,24). Please feel free to disagree with me, and have Scripture to verify why you do so, and hopefully we can both study together, and seek to follow only the Truth, that God may be glorified in our lives.

Thanks again for contacting me. God richly bless you in your quest to please Him above all else. 

>I have read your message and checked the sections of your website you referred to, >TSBS8 and TSBS9. I presume your primary concern regarding my "Steps to peace with >God" section of my website has to do with my not including baptism as a prerequisite for
>salvation. I certainly don't want to get into an argumentative discussion on this matter
>but only want to share what is on my heart which I believe God has confirmed in my spirit >as truth after studying the Bible as you have for many years. Please continue to share >with me your thoughts as God could certainly use you to help me understand something >that I may be missing.

>I am trying to keep my website from being too lengthy for fear I may lose some viewers >who won't take the time to study the scriptures as we all should, but I believe the most >important element of our salvation is to really believe the truth about our sinful condition >apart from receiving the grace of God as a result of our faith.

>I don't mean to minimize the importance of baptism as a command for which we must >respond in obedience but I am concerned about the person who truly believes, possibly at >the last minute, and doesn't have an opportunity to be baptized. To me, this is only an >outward sign to verify what has transpired within an individual who has truly become a >believer and received Jesus as both their Savior and Lord as described in Romans >10:9,10.

>The degree of importance I place on baptism is indicated by the fact that though I was >baptized, sprinkled, as an infant, I was later immersed as I came to realize the word >"baptize" means to be buried and it made more sense that the proper mode of baptism >would be to be immersed symbolizing our being buried with Christ and now as believers, >we are risen with Him.

>I worked with a man who believed my baptism wasn't valid since it was in the name of the >Father, Son and Holy Spirit instead of in Jesus name and so I was even immersed again >in Jesus name just to make sure I had done it properly.

>Since that time, I believe that a true believing faith is what is important and if it is real, >our actions as a result of our love for God in recognition of who He is and what He has >done will be acceptable to God. I believe that as believers, we have been chosen by God >to be saved, Ephesians 1:4,5 and even our faith is a gift from God, Ephesians 2:8,9. >There is nothing we do to earn it. Our right standing before God is totally due to the >righteousness of Christ which is imputed to us because of our faith and Her has even >given us that.

>Scripture that has strongly affected my thinking about what is necessary to please God is >John 14:21 where Jesus says: "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the >one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him >and show myself to him."

>The whole salvation experience, to me, is based on an adoptive relationship which we >receive from our Heavenly Father as a result of believing in who Jesus is and what He >has done for us. As I said, when this belief is real, our actions will follow but the learning >process continues for our entire lifetime and even our salvation experience is a process >since the Bible talks about the fact that we "are being" saved. (Acts 4:47, 1 Cor. 1:18, II >Cor. 2:15).

I agree with you that we should not get into an argumentative discussion beyond what the inspired Apostles did in the first century. Passages such as Acts 19:9 where the term "reasoning" is used showing us that our 'contending earnestly for the faith' (Jude 3) should be 'a striving after' 'to be combative', 'to be intensive', etc., but of course, this MUST be done in love (Eph. 4:15)

I believe you are sincere in your quest to do the Creator's will. I believe your trying to be correct in His sight, being baptized twice shows that good attitude! My answer to that question is this: God did not give any kind of magical formula to be said when one is scripturally baptized into Christ! Remember that God doesn't contradict Himself! Both of these terms "baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt. 28:19), and "baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ" (Acts
2:38) are not contradictory because these are not words that have to be 'said', but relationship's into which we are put with Deity when we properly obey the Truth!

I don't believe it is wrong to say any of these words when properly baptizing someone, but that is not what is required. What is required is that the one being baptized has been properly taught about Jesus, and that he understands that his baptism is what allows him to reach the soul-saving blood of Christ, wherein is remission of sins: Romans 6:3-6. This is the point in time in our belief of the Gospel where the Creator says, when you
do this, I will allow the blood of Christ to wash away all your past sins, and you will become a new creature in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17). The only way we can get 'into' Christ, is to be scripturally baptized 'into' Christ: (Galatians 3:26,27). That is why Peter said that baptism saves us (I Peter 3:21), because this is how God has set it up.

Unfortunately, man has decided to change this teaching, and so baptism 'for the remission sins', is cut out of God's Book by most religions today! But Truth will stand, even if all of mankind turns against it and pollutes it with man-made doctrines. It was happening in Jesus' day: Mt. 15:8,9, and is widespread even today.

>I looked forward to hearing from you tonight and you did not disappoint me. I appreciate >the spirit with which you write and your concern to present truth properly. I have been an >adult Bible teacher for many years and I believe I understand the process by which we >receive the grace of God, which includes the remission of sins.

>I have come to the place in my spiritual walk that I truly believe what is really important >is not some specific act we do, such as being baptized, but really believing God is who the >Bible reveals Him to be, and that He loves us so much that He gave His Son to die for >us. I believe that when we realize where we would be if God had not done that and what >the eternal destiny we actually deserve is, if we really believe this, we will respond to >God the way He wants us to and the way we are now able to because of the power in the >Holy Spirit he has given us as believers.

>I believe to be saved, just as Jesus said, it is necessary for us to lose our lives or give >them up for His sake because we believe that he is worthy of our total commitment to >Him. I think in many Christian circles, there are people trying to feel comfortable with a >position on salvation that requires far less than making Jesus Lord of our lives giving >Him full control.

>You are right in thinking that I am sincere in wanting to do the creators' will and I believe >it is nothing less than living for Him because living for any other purpose becomes a form >of idolatry and I would hope you agree with this in light of Matthew 10:37-39.

>I thoroughly enjoy having an opportunity to discuss these most important matters with an >individual as committed to presenting truth as you are which is evidenced by your >wonderful website.

I understand about your feelings concerning the inward attitude we need to have in order to properly serve the Creator. I agree with you on that, but I believe that God has set this whole process up with a specific amount of truth being believed and acted upon properly at first, in order to reach the soul-saving blood of Christ. I rest my case on this beginning with the first complete Gospel sermon in Acts 2.

As you carefully study that sermon, and the results, you find that those Jews accepted the truth that Peter was teaching about the Messiah, and were told what they had to do in order to receive the remission of sins. After believing (v. 37), they were told what they had to do in order to receive remission of sins (v. 38). Peter continued to persuade them with many more words of testimony telling them that they needed to "Save yourselves from
this crooked generation" (v. 40). Then, all that received his word were "baptized: and there were added in that day about 3,000 souls."

I believe that you believe that our 'spiritual walk' can only be directed by the Holy Word of God. What is 'really important' is what is important in God's eyes, not yours, or mine. If the Creator has put His plan of salvation this way that we read about in Acts Ch. 2 and the rest of the accounts in the book of the Acts of the inspired apostles, then it doesn't matter what man has done to this plan down through the ages since the first century, if we are going to be 'true worshipper's' in His sight, we must go back to the teachings of the first century, and adhere only to them.

I know that you may be thinking; David can't be correct, because most people don't believe the Bible this way today! And therefore, most people aren't following the Scriptures as the inspired men of God put them forth in the first century! Well, I have not been put here on this earth to judge man! I can only 'judge righteous judgment' (John 7:24), and that is accomplished by using only God's Truth (Romans 2:2). So all I can do it
teach the Gospel of Christ exactly as the inspired apostles and prophets taught it as is recorded in the New Testament. That's all I can do.

So I am in no position to judge anyone, but simply teach the truth! God's Word does the judging. I've had quite a few denominational people; Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, Christian Scientist's, etc. tell me that I was judging them when I tried to warn them of the danger of following the doctrines and commandments of men, and yes, an emotional argument will pacify them so they will not allow their conscience's to be pricked by the
inspired Truth of God, and I have found that if people allow themselves to be guided by emotions, I will not be able to reach them with God's Truth! Perhaps the answer is in Matthew 15:8,9 where Jesus says that their "heart is far from Me"! But WHY is their heart far from God, answer: "But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts (commandments) of men."

I think of Naaman who said, "...Behold, I thought..." (II Kings 5:1-14). What I might think about God's way is not important. It is what God thinks that is important! Remember the primary reason we were created: Eccl. 12:13, 14, to: "...fear God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole of man..."

I certainly do agree with you that we must endeavor to give Jesus full control of our lives throughout our lives, and strive to grow each day in His sight, in His grace and knowledge. If we sit back, get comfortable, and just take it easy, we are in big trouble! But I want to stress the fact that we must properly be 'in Christ', or all of the 'moral, ethical,
religious, and sincere emotions we have will not help us in the day of judgment.

In Matthew 7:21-23 we find people on the day of judgment telling Jesus that they did MANY religious things in HIS Name! Yet, Jesus will tell them that He never KNEW them! Well, we both know that Jesus is God the Son! He knows everyone! So in what way does He not know them on the judgment day? It would have to be 'spiritually'! In other words, they were never Bible christian's! They never obeyed the Gospel of Christ correctly, and thus, their religion for Christ is not accepted by Christ in the judgment day! A very sobering thought for all of us! When I speak religiously, I had better "speak as the oracles of God" (I Peter 11), If I do not abide in the doctrine of Christ, I will not have God (II John 9).

Concerning the 'death bed repentance' situation, I don't have all the answers, but I know one thing for sure, you don't change God's Word to fit any 'exception's' that man might think up. If God says we must believe in order to be saved, then we must believe, and if someone dies before they believe, God doesn't change the Gospel for that person. If God says we must repent in order to be saved, then we must repent, and if someone dies before
they repent, God doesn't change the Gospel for that person. If God says we must confess Christ in order to be saved, then we must confess Christ, and if someone dies before they confess Christ, God doesn't change the Gospel for that person. If God tells us we must be baptized in order to be saved, then we must be baptized, and if someone dies before they are baptized, God doesn't change the Gospel for that person.

I would leave you with a question concerning your statement about believing that water baptism is an 'outward sign to verify what has transpired within an individual who has truly become a believer', and also the statement that this person has 'received Jesus as both their Savior and Lord' Could you please give me Scripture that teaches that our past sins are washed away when we mentally and emotionally accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour? In fact, could you find any apostle or prophet in the New Testament using this terminology of 'accepting Christ as your personal Saviour', and also, while you are working on this, please show me in the Scriptures where the apostles or prophets told an 'alien' sinner, one who had not yet obeyed the Gospel to become a christian, to pray! I have yet to find the 'sinner's prayer' in the Scriptures! I would ask you to find these things for me, for if the inspired apostles and prophets taught these things that are being taught today, then I am wrong, and I need to repent and change my teachings, for I truly want to go to Heaven and be with our Maker and Creator to worship and serve Him forever.

If you look at the Scripture you quoted carefully (Romans 10:9,10) you will find that v. 9 puts confession before belief, so we know that is not chronological, since belief must come before confession. Thus, v. 10 tells us the chronological order of what is being discussed: belief, confession, but notice they are both UNTO salvation, not INTO salvation. Also, notice that repentance is not dealt with here! But we CANNOT be forgiven of our sins without repentance (Luke 13:3,5) I trust that you can understand that we must take ALL of what the Holy Spirit teaches through the apostles and prophets on any given Bible subject, and that repentance and baptism are involved in God's plan of salvation as is revealed in the Gospel of Christ.