>Dear friend in Christ, recently i have been very troubled both in my spirit and mind when >my pastor said that the scriptures we have today have been translated by two individuals >king james and constantine who were ungodly men who hated the jews. as a result some >of the words used in the new testament which referred to the jews or things pertaining to >them were replaced by other words. The only example i can remember at this time is in >Acts 2:2 when they were all gathered in the upper room. that was told to us that the
>upper room really meant the temple. also was stated that we really are messianic jews >because we are wild olive shoots grafted into the natural olive tree rather than christians. >i really hope you can set my mind and heart at peace. please refer me to any scriptures >so that the lord my minister to me. thank you.

Greetings to you in Christ Jesus, it was good to hear from you! I hope I can help you as you are seeking God's Truth in these matters.

It is very good that you question the 'pastor' when you believe he is teaching something that is not what the Bible teaches! We know that the Bible tells us that we must "...let God be found true, but every man a liar..." (Romans 3:4). In other words, if any of us teach anything that contradicts God, then we are simply liars!

Yes, you are correct concerning the truth that we (Gentiles) who obey Christ are referred to as the wild olive (Romans 11:11-24) Notice that some of the Jews were broken off because of their unbelief (v.20), and the Gentiles that were being grafted in because of their faith (v.20). Notice also that our remaining grafted to God's olive tree depends upon our continuing in His goodness (v.22). In other words, the doctrine you have probably heard often, that 'once you are saved, you are always saved, and can never fall away', is
not correct. Likewise, if those Jews who rejected Jesus as the Christ would turn back to Him, and obey Him, they would be grafted in (v. 23). And of course, that is true to this day, as the entire Gospel of Christ is!

Now, concerning The Scriptures we have today; our Creator tells us that His Word is inspired of Him (II Timothy 3:16,17), and God sees to it that His Word will NOT return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11). You can put ALL of your faith in the Creator that He will not leave man here upon this earth without His Inspired Word to guide us to Him! It certainly is 'living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword..." (Hebrews 4:12). That is why He tells us that if we 'seek', we can 'find' (Matthew 7:7-11).

So concerning the translators of the Bible, I leave that in the hands of God! Please study Deuteronomy 29:29; "The secret things belong unto Jehovah our God; but the things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." The principle stands today! I can't tell you HOW the Creator works to keep His Word pure for us today! I don't try to 'whittle on the end of God's stick' as this 'pastor'
did! When you start trying to teach something the Bible doesn't teach, guess what, you will teach 'falsehoods'! I hope these thoughts help you. Thank you for asking and seeking for only Truth.

God richly bless you in your quest for His Truth above all else.
Yours in Christ,
David L. Odom