>Why did Paul say to be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord? Where >do you imagine that would be? I always thought it meant heaven.

 In II Corinthians 5:1-10 Paul is dealing with the fact that as long as we are in the physical body here upon this earth, we are not able to be with the Lord beyond death. I don't think it means Heaven completely because of what we find in Luke 16:19-31. Here we find Jesus showing us what happens when we physically die! We all will go to a place called 'Hades', either to 'Abraham's bosom', or to 'torments'. Notice that there is a great gulf fixed between these two places in Hades. I believe if we are 'true worshipper's' and are faithful unto death, we will be with Jesus in some sense in 'Abraham's bosom', but the Scripture does not explain this to us in any detail.

>Second, the bible also speaks of the man who lifted his eyes in hell and saw Abraham in >the bosom of God and asked that someone put a drop of water on his tongue. This man >certainly went to hell when he died according to the bible and he wanted to tell his family >and everyone else not to come there. Do you know what I'm referring to? I know the first >reference is 2 Corinthians 5:8 but the second reference is slipping me, although I have >seen that passage already.

This Greek word for 'Hades' is NOT the Greek word for 'Hell'. These are two different places, but they are similar! This is also true of 'Abraham's bosom', which is where Jesus went when He died upon the cross: Remember that He told the thief that believed He was the Messiah, "...Today, shalt thou be with Me in Paradise." They both died physically that day, and in Acts 2:27,31, we find the apostle Peter quoting David in Psalm 16:8 ff. that the Messiah went to 'Hades'! We, of course know He didn't go to torments, He went to 'Abraham's bosom' which is also 'Paradise'! So this is similar to Heaven, since Paul
used the word 'Paradise' in II Corinthians 12:4 speaking of Heaven.

So you are partially correct! In Hades, both places are 'similar', perhaps extensions of the real Heaven and Hell. But the total Heaven and Hell won't be realized until after the Day of Judgment.

I hope this has helped you some in your endeavors to find and adhere to only God's Truth, free from the additions or subtractions of men. Deut. 12:32; 4:1,2; Proverbs 30:6; Rev. 22:18,19; I Cor. 4:6; I Peter 4:11; II John 9.